Starting a New Job: Tips for Success and the Top 10 Jobs

27 June

Starting a new job is a pivotal moment, filled with both excitement and nerves. Whether embarking on your first career or making a significant shift, the early days at a new workplace are crucial for setting the tone for your future success and...[Read More]

Fresh bid to aid Aussies with neurological conditions

26 June

Improved care for millions of Australians suffering debilitating neurological conditions will be the focus of a national summit on the issue. Neurological Alliance Australia is holding the event at Parliament House, in Canberra, on Tuesday and aims...[Read More]

Time and Wealth: The Essential Connection

20 June

In our pursuit of wealth, we often find ourselves caught in the relentless cycle of earning, saving, and investing.  While accumulating wealth is undoubtedly a significant goal, it is essential to recognise that time, the finite resource we all...[Read More]

Self-driving cars are safer, just not at dawn or dusk

19 June

Self-driving cars are safer than those driven by humans, a study has revealed, but the advanced vehicles are more likely to crash in challenging weather conditions or when performing turns. The findings were revealed in a study published in the...[Read More]

Why Australia is hosting an electric vehicle price war

19 June

Some have called it the Tesla graveyard – hundreds of new electric cars parked at the Port of Melbourne, awaiting owners. Critics argue the scene is a sign that Australia’s soaring electric vehicle sales have finally hit a speed bump and are...[Read More]

Escape the winter chill with these aussie caravan road trips

13 June

As winter sets in, the warmer climates of northern Australia become increasingly appealing. If you have some free time, a thirst for adventure, and a dislike for cold, wet weather, consider heading north. Pack your sunhat and shorts, organise the...[Read More]

Navigating the Complexities of Custody Disputes

13 June

The longstanding myth that fathers have slim chances of securing primary custody is being progressively dismantled.    Historically, mothers were often presumed to be the custodial parents. However, recent shifts in societal attitudes and legal...[Read More]

Spotlight on long COVID as millions spent on research

12 June

Australians suffering long-term impacts from COVID-19 could soon receive answers as the government spends nearly $15 million to research the enigmatic symptoms. Though many people who catch COVID-19 recover within a few weeks, some continue to...[Read More]

Push to reignite Uluru tourism after downturn

12 June

Tourism operators at one of Australia’s most iconic landmarks are pushing to bring visitors back to the region after years of downturn since the pandemic. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in the Northern Territory hosted 164,678 tourists in the...[Read More]

7 Countries Where You Can Afford to Retire by the Beach

6 June

Retiring to a serene place by the beach is a dream for many. The recent years of global upheaval have intensified the desire to escape the daily grind and resettle in an ideal location.    For many, life by the beach represents that ideal.   In...[Read More]

Top 10 tips to improve your job interview responses

6 June

Preparing for an interview involves carefully planning your responses. Certain words, although seemingly positive, are best avoided.    Some are clichéd and overused, while others may unintentionally downplay your abilities. Hiring managers have...[Read More]