People want decency from business, not political stunts

9 May

Australians expect corporations to do “good” but would prefer it was simply through fairness rather than aligning with polarising political issues that have nothing to do with what they sell. A survey from advertising agency Leo Burnett...[Read More]

More tradies to be trained as housing targets loom

9 May

Thousands more Australians could be lured to the construction sector as the government attempts to boost a struggling workforce and hit housing targets. An extra 20,000 training places will be funded under a $90 million package in the federal...[Read More]

Strategies for conflict resolution and motivation in the workplace and beyond

2 May

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the art of communication often gets diluted in a sea of emails, text messages, and online postings.    While these methods provide convenience and efficiency, they can sometimes lack the personal touch and...[Read More]

Push for gender-based wage rise to help close pay gap

2 May

Workers in caring jobs and other feminised sectors should get a nine per cent wage rise, the peak union body says, as issues over equality were in sharp focus after a weekend of protests over violence against women. The Australian Council of Trade...[Read More]

‘Once-in-a-generation’ change in corporate reporting

25 April

After pushing for a delay, one of Australia’s leading business organisations has joined a call for the rapid passage of laws on compulsory reporting of climate risks. The Business Council of Australia on Monday joined a coalition of influential...[Read More]

Industrial sites set for emissions reduction grants

24 April

Industrial sites across five states will be given a multi-million dollar funding boost for projects to transition to cleaner energy. Nine facilities – including alumina and cement refineries, iron ore mines and cobalt and nickel sites – will...[Read More]

How to thrive despite higher inflation

18 April

The cost of living continues to rise, and many are feeling the pinch. However, there are ways to navigate and adapt to this challenging financial landscape.   If you’re looking for practical solutions and workarounds to help you tackle higher...[Read More]

Fortifying the Frontlines: 10 Cybersecurity Strategies for Small Businesses in the Digital Age

18 April

Integrating cybersecurity into the fabric of small business operations requires both strategic planning and practical measures.    Here are the top 10 tips to fortify small businesses against cyber threats, underscoring the necessity for...[Read More]

Manufacturing push is no ‘free-for-all’: treasurer

17 April

A major manufacturing initiative won’t replace private investment with taxpayer funds, the treasurer says. On Thursday the prime minister unveiled the Future Made in Australia Act, aimed at promoting local manufacturing and safeguarding the...[Read More]

Support critical for Australia to reap battery wealth

17 April

Western Australia can become a leading global source of responsibly sourced battery minerals but government support will be “critical”, a mining conference has heard. “Government support at both the state and commonwealth level is critical if...[Read More]

Business interruption insurance

11 April

A crucial though sometimes overlooked safeguard, business interruption insurance provides financial protection for companies facing unexpected disruptions.   But who exactly is it for? The short answer: any business that wants to ensure continuity...[Read More]