Top 10 tips to improve your job interview responses

6 June

Preparing for an interview involves carefully planning your responses. Certain words, although seemingly positive, are best avoided.    Some are clichéd and overused, while others may unintentionally downplay your abilities. Hiring managers have...[Read More]

Experts want more big solar projects, less nuke talk

5 June

Governments and industry bodies need to stop getting distracted by debates over nuclear power and start investing in large-scale solar projects to keep up with electricity demand, a summit has been told. The Clean Energy Council’s Australian...[Read More]

Realising Success: The Profound Fulfillment of Making a Difference in the World

30 May

The moment you realise you’ve made it in this world is a profound and multifaceted experience, encompassing more than just financial success.    It’s a deep sense of fulfilment, a culmination of your hard work, perseverance, and the impact...[Read More]

Essential End-of-Year Tax Tips: Maximise Your Savings for Businesses and Individuals

30 May

The financial year is drawing to a close, which means tax time is just around the corner! To help you get ready for the new financial year, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of practical tips and advice for this period.    Whether you’re a...[Read More]

Top 10 tips for developing a business exit strategy: Business Succession and Estate Planning

30 May

Given all the hard work that building up a business takes, it can be hard to say goodbye – so it’s important to do it right.    Developing an exit strategy well in advance allows you to have control over your small business’s future while...[Read More]

Maximising tax savings: Top 10 End of Financial Year tips and the value of professional advice

23 May

The end of the financial year (EOFY) is a critical period for individuals and businesses alike. Proper planning and organisation can lead to significant tax savings and ensure compliance with tax laws.    Here are ten essential EOFY tax tips and...[Read More]

Call to expand reasons to ignore boss in new work laws

22 May

A worker’s right to ignore unreasonable out-of-hours contact from their boss should expressly include when they are on approved leave as well as staffing arrangements, the peak union body says. Right to disconnect laws passed by the Albanese...[Read More]

Income gap roars back in post pandemic recovery

22 May

The gap between the haves and have-nots narrowed during the COVID-19 pandemic but widened again as the economy roared back to life when lockdowns ended and borders reopened. Yet with the fresh Productivity Commission analysis failing to cover the...[Read More]

‘More work to do’ to make Australia competitive

15 May

A much-vaunted plan to make Australia a nation that makes things again is a good start but needs more work, business groups say. The centrepiece of Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ third budget was the $22.7 billion Future Made in Australia fund to bring...[Read More]

Relief less than hoped for ‘squeezed’ small businesses

15 May

Up to four million small businesses will continue to receive tax relief as they battle slowing consumer spending, but calls to increase support have been unheeded. The instant asset write-off has been extended until the end of June 2025, allowing...[Read More]

Harmonising Life: Ten Tips for Achieving Mindful Work-Life Balance

9 May

Work-life balance is a highly personal and continuously evolving quest. It’s about managing your professional and personal lives in a way that minimizes stress and maximises well-being.    This balance isn’t one-size-fits-all; what works for...[Read More]